Saturday, June 22, 2024

My Fear Unmasked

My Fear Unmasked

I panic over the paus,
cringe over old conversations.
I believe myself to be disposable,
because I fear I may be disingenuous.
Friendships make me smile.
They bring me joy and purpose.
When those same friendships go silent,
I shutter and shiver in the cold.
Was it me?
Something I said?
Something I did?
I'm sorry my friends.

My Last Friend

My Last Friend

When tomorrow becomes the enemy
death becomes a sought after ally.
When waking up means being lonely
staying asleep becomes the dream.
When the one person you loved is gone
joining them again becomes the greatest desire.

For every couple that makes it to the end together
there is someone who will be there for the other,
and then become the one who must reach their end alone.

Survive Behind the Mask

Survive Behind the Mask

Do not go looking
for your role model in me.
I am a teetering tower
down on my last knee.
I am withering center
behind a fractured shell.
My mask is a hopeful smile
knowing within I don't deserve it.

Happiness? Praise? Accomplishments?
Deserved? Earned?
Neither; I am without
merit motivated altruistically.
I do what I must to survive.

I am not a good man.
I am a survivor.

No Finish Line I Don't Create for Myself

No Finish Line I Don't Create for Myself

Drowning, suffocating, longing
to be better.
Forever striving for the unobtainable,
a struggle I once accepted as eternal;
but I'm tired,
so tired

Apologies to My Friends, Family, and Familiars

Apologies to My Friends, Family, and Familiars

Who am I
if not a friend?
A phony filled
to bursting
with false flattery
and fake friendship.
I'm sorry.
If there's one facet
of me I know to be true
it's just how sorry I am.

Call to Action

Call to Action

Find for me
a hero of stature:
one who will answer
the call to adventure.

Dangerous perils await.
Undeterred courage
will be a necessary trait,
to succeed in this challenge.

I do not demand
they be loyal to me.
Instead, be true
to heroism over villainy.

Quiet Thoughts Across Starlit Flight

Quiet Thoughts Across Starlit Flight

A flight through the void,
guided, in part, by a droid.

Calculations made at great speed,
powering forth the hero to their deed.

A greater power lies within;
the second edge is a path of sin.

A hero must choose
and with a wrong choice
many are doomed to lose.