Friday, December 29, 2017

Blink of the Eyes

Blink of the Eyes

I don't write many songs
About the days that go wrong
The nights that last too long
And I don't sing about
How I don't belong

After all, who's listening?

No, I keep myself
To myself

So that the world might be spared
Of my uncomfortable stare

Gazing into the lives I could never have

I sit, stare, and think
And within the time lapse of a single wink
A single shut of the eyes
Just one blink

I remember to remember
To never fail to remember
Why those eyes open again

And again

And again

Monday, December 25, 2017

Uncle's Pride, Uncle's Love--Part 5

Uncle's Pride, Uncle's Love--Part 5

Chipped away day by day
And then a fearless little lady
Reminds me:
You don't need super powers
To be a superhero

Pressures unending
Demands undying
Brought to my knees
And then a courageous little lady
Reminds me:
There's a magic in her eyes
That makes my world a better place

Hope lost
Life's cost
And then a heroic little lady
Reminds me:
Each day brings a new promise
Of a world greater than before

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Setting Sun

Setting Sun

Star falls
Stars follow
Cascading into an emptiness
They could never fill
No matter how bright they once shined
Hidden away in the deepest corners of darkness
That will, one day too, return to the emptiness

Casual Indifference

Casual Indifference

Forsaken ground
From which the fruits of tragedy
Are nourished
By the blood flow of betrayal

The value of life simultaneously
Elevated beyond mortal limitations
And reduced to nothing's end

Born into a world believed worthy
Of sacrifice both minute and absolute
A world proven indifferent
When given enough time to forget

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Insufficient Funds

Insufficient Funds

There is more to choice
Than a series of proceeding consequences
There is a cost for everything
Everything we do

And no matter what
We've been through
What we choose to do
Is never free

We create not only rippling consequences
First, we withdraw from our limited reserves
To bleed the drop
That creates the ripple

Before we affect others
As a living consequence in their lives
We make a decision
Commit to an action
That could cost us everything

So long as it doesn't
We make the same decision again
And again
Until the reserve runs dry
And never again do we create ripples
Never again do we make a decision

Monday, December 18, 2017

Destined Fates: Uncertainty's Certainty

Destined Fates: Uncertainty's Certainty

Uncertainty certainly will not conform
To the actions of anxiety
      the concoctions of control
       the demands of desperation

Uncertainty certainly is what it has always been
     and what it will always be

Uncertainty certainly, simply is

So toil, toil, toil away
At walls too certain to fall

For never has there been a truth revealed
That wasn't certain to be hiding incompletely outside
The complete, absolute, impenetrable shadow of uncertainty



Within space and time
     wherein I once slept
Within heart and mind
     wherein I once dreamt
Within smiles and eyes
     wherein I once believed

I am left within the confines of lesson learned:

I am within my own
     space and time
     heart and mind
     smiles and eyes

I am within
Nothing more
Then what can be
Within me



What is it to be without?
Has one obtained so much
     they are now without need?
Has one been left with so little
     they are without joy?
Has one never had much to begin with
     they are without knowing they are without?

Without me
What is the life of others?

They are without a pain permanent
They are without a loss forever felt
They are without a reason to stop moving forward

Which means my life is without
     a legacy too heavy to lift

And this, I swear to you, is a good thing.

Without me
     life goes on as it should

I am without the motivation to change that
I am without the arrogance necessary for wanting that

I am without the desire to keep time from passing
     with my passing.

Why be a burden in death
     when I can leave people without demands?

Thursday, December 7, 2017



Human recollection
Perceived through the monocle
Limited to the spectacle
Of the everyday individual
Wrapped up within the onself

The one eye
Of the one mind
Of the one heart
Can see
Through the faded vacancies
Of dreams no longer sought

No longer fought for
Goals long since abandoned
By an impatience forever wanting
Something more than mere mortal eyes
Could ever love

Songs to the Sung

Songs to the Sung

Sing for me once and I may remember
How it was when I felt the cold December

Sing to me twice and I may remember
Who I was when I still believed in forever

Sing to me thrice and I may remember
When my thin line shed my last tear

Broken Toys

Broken Toys

A puzzle
With pieces not yet placed
Resting off to the side
Of an unfinished completion
Is not the same
As a puzzle missing pieces
A puzzle missing pieces
Is broken
Missing the one thing
That could fix it