Saturday, June 23, 2018

This Fire Don't Burn Out

This Fire Don't Burn Out

A faith discovered in the ashes
A devotion driven by the flames

Flames, not of rebirth
Flames, not of beginnings

Flames purely
Flames entirely
Flames eternally
Flames of fire
Flames of fire unforgiving
Flames of fire forever embracing

The faintest of sparks
The most dire of darkness
The light forever made bright
By a willingness to fight
For oneself and for the light
For all those in need of the fire's
Embrace, love, and power

Summer Soul Searching Part 1: Trying Again... and Again... and Again...

Summer Soul Searching Part 1: Trying Again... and Again... and Again...

It could've been me
Standing there strong and free
From the shackles of anxiety

It could have been me
If not for the bend in my knee
Brought down by the self-made weight of worry

I could have been me
Existing entirely in and of me
Looking inward at me

Looking inward for a change
Looking to expand upon my range

It could have been

But it wasn't him

It wasn't the man who stands here this day


Monday, June 11, 2018

Farewell 2018

Farewell 2018

Fond memories
Again made priceless
Well wishes, warm hearts, and willful spirits
Expressed in voice
Linked by a common goal
Loved forever and always

2 many memories to count
0 excuses; warriors determined to succeed
1 class I could never forget
8 billion lives potentially changed for the better