Monday, June 23, 2014

It's Coming

It’s Coming

An angel appears
She sings
A song of judgment
Heard by all, no exception.

As the souls of the fallen faithful rise,
So too do the souls escape from those still alive.
It has begun my friends.
Pray for forgiveness, yourself and one another.

Till the end, my friends
Till the very end.

If Only You Knew

If Only You Knew

If only you knew how hard I tried
To put all of my faith in one who lied.
Pushing headstrong
Into a world where I didn’t belong.
If only you knew
If only you knew
How hard I tried to love you.



The graciousness of your poetry
Matched only by your divinity
Such abstraction of reality
Your words paint serenity
I pray the fates grant you mercy
Your rhyme must have longevity
Thanks to you truly
For all that you've done for me

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Frailty and Fury

Frailty and Fury

Torn by wind.
Scorned by heat.
Drowned by rain.

The frailty of the flower is exposed,
It gives in to its weakness as it dies.

Soars like the phoenix.
Shines through the sun.
Drinks the water whole.

The fury of the flower is exposed,
It gives in to its fury and conquers.