Sunday, September 25, 2016

Penny for Your Promise

Penny for Your Promise

It doesn't take
All the riches in the world
It just takes one

One penny

One penny from up off the ground
Picked up and given
In kindness

One penny

One penny to prove
That you've a heart
Made of gold

One penny

One penny to take a thought
And turn it into memory
Never forgotten

One penny

To buy my heart

Friday, September 16, 2016

Last Words

Last Words

The depressed are not broken
The depressed are not needy
The depressed are not annoying

The depressed have been told
Far too many times
(Considering that once is more than should be heard)
That they are

The depressed were searching
The depressed were wanting
The depressed were asking

The depressed were hoping to find
A willing hand to pick them up
To embrace them with open arms
With an open mind
Compassionate heart
Loving soul
And patient kindness

They were

When they said their last words

Longing for a return to happiness
Torn from them
By despair's indiscriminate claws

Now, however, with their last words spoken

They will be remembered
Until the memory hurts too much

Then they will be mourned
Until the mourning takes too much

Then they simply
Will have been

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Burning the Candle

Burning the Candle

Who are you?

Who are you
When there's no one around to ask?
No one to hear the answer?

Who are you
When you don't know?
Haven't known for so long?

Who are you
When you have your chips on the table?
Cards down?

Who are you
When there are no chips and cards?
No game?

Who are you
When it's not about you?
But the others don't know?

Who are you
When the others don't care?
When the others don't even know
That they don't care?

Who are you
When the question is too much
And your answer is not enough?

Who are you?

Oh, for life's sake!


The longer your time to answer

The less of the candle is left
To burn