Friday, July 27, 2018

A Certain Uncertainty

A Certain Uncertainty

Anticipation bubbling up
Rising to a surface made of murky water
Pulled out to sea by concussive waves
Unrelenting in my lost memories
Of all those lessons on how to be cool
An uncertain future can only be faced
With certainty in who you are
Standing before the forever certain, incoming tide

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Off My Feet

Off My Feet

You knocked me off my feet
But I'm not mad
It's nice down here
Looking up at you
And the light you emanate

Transfixing my eyes
Grabbing my attention
Filling my ears with your sweet voice

I've only just begun
To see you
Hear you
Know you

And once I do
Get back up
I'm certain what's yet to come
Will be just as fun

Forever Family

Forever Family

Separated by space
Divided by time
Bound by bond
Across the vastness
We remain connected
We sail upon our boats of individuality
Sails made of strength
Held tight by ropes made of courage
Conquering new challenges
With the lighthouse at our backs
It follows us
Giving us a light to find
Should darkness ever become too much
A light that never goes out
A family that stays family

Shout! Voice With Purpose

Shout! Voice With Purpose

How might your voice be heard?
Do you write, speak, sing, or dance?
Do you act, paint, draw, or enchant?
Do you grab ahold of an audience's attention?
Do you then treat that gift as the precious thing it is?

When times grow loudest
Noise made of chaos, hatred, and greed
Do you stand in apathy
Your voice so desperately needed
Yet locked away by your own indifference

When times grow silent
No one with anything meaningful to say
Do you rise up
To be the voice that leads
With apathy discarded and empathy held high

However you make make your voice heard
Speak with the courage it takes
To be honest
And form authentic and meaningful connections
Through voice

Together, a voice with purpose made
Of love, wisdom, and empathy
May sound deafened by the sheer volume
Of ignorant hatred
But only to shallow ears

Speak to as many as you can
With quality forever your priority over quantity
And you might just be the one
Who rescues those minds
From their self-made, shallow prisons

It is from this collective freedom
That we can finally take that big step forward
Into a place of progress
In which we continue to shape our voices
For better and brighter days

Discoveries Made in Repeat Attempts

Discoveries Made in Repeat Attempts

Introspection is not quick
It is the single longest marathon
Of your life
With the potential
To last as long as you are capable of it

Everyday a new question
New idea
New challenge
New failure
New success
New growth

Sometimes, yes, it may feel
It's just more of the same
However, keep your mind open
To the new that can come
From returning to the same

Introspective journeys are seldom
If ever
A single trip

Stars Fallen Forever Freed

Stars Fallen Forever Freed

Stars have fallen
Once, twice, three times more
And more
And more
And more
As many stars that grace the night sky
Stars have fallen
And will fall
Forever free
Of willful demand upon them
Forever free
To be
Whether shining
Or fallen

The Vitality of Voice

The Vitality of Voice

A writer's written words
Will forever outlast
A writer's body and mind

This is voice
And its greatest potential

Friday, July 13, 2018

Fallen Mind Tripping Over Weakened Heels

Fallen Mind Tripping Over Weakened Heels

With one look
She becomes more
Than who I need
Becoming who I want

Daring me to aim
For someone greater
Than simply who I need

To choose living
Over surviving
To choose thriving
Over compromising
To reach new heights of potential
Made possible by us
To aim for both gift and given
As we build something
Far greater together
Than either of us could apart

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Ariel: A Browncoat Ballad

Ariel: A Browncoat Ballad

Feeding pigeons sounds better
Than eating food that smells like crotch
But the Core ain't no place for coats
Of a brownish color

Nor is it the place to be
For a gorram freak
That prefers that others wear a shirt
Of a reddish color

Sometimes the best way
To find work
Is to go lookin'
Close to home

Meds are quite the lucrative business
Stealing from the rich
Selling to the poor
A payment worth the risk

A mechanic and pilot
Unknowingly volunteer for the wrong side of the Core
Wrong, but true
A sample of the filth the Alliance is built upon

Gunners ain't doctors
And junk don't fly
But they might just do
In a pinch made blue

A brother's dream
To end his sister's nightmares
Must be confronted
In deep sleep

While in slumber
A nightmare wakes
Born of betrayal
Fueled by fury

With lights and sounds
Flowing through his sister
A brother's heart breaks
To find her brain was ravaged

And now his sister
Feels everything
She can't not
She can't not feel the hands of blue

Those hands of blue
Tightening their grip
From across the universe
Forever haunting

The feds have their ducks in a row
But Browncoats keep fightin'
Never really expectin' things
To go according to the gorram plan

Blue hands make
Purple bellies red
Piercing screams
Intensifying waking nightmares

Let the warning be clear
You turn on the crew
You turn on the captain
Which could leave you flash frozen and particularly skinny

With knowledge, a doctor can heal her
With his heart, a brother can save her
No more sleeping Meimei
It's time to wake up

Summer Soul Searching Part 3: The Return of Mr. Bray

Summer Soul Searching Part 3: The Return of Mr. Bray

In brightest day, I teach
In blackest night, I teach

No struggle in my classroom
Shall escape my sight

Despite the evil might
That may try and stop me
Beware my power
A rediscovered light

A light born of hope
Fueled by will

And forever driven by those
Who matter most

They know who they are
My kiddos

Summer Soul Searching Part 2: Instead

Summer Soul Searching Part 2: Instead

Instead I crashed
Through the surface
Of my fragile plate
Tumbling downward

Further and further
Faster and faster

Tumbling turning to tormented freefalling

At the very bottom of my fall
A fire ignited
And its green flow lit the way
Back to who've
I've always been proudest to be

Justice At Cost

Justice At Cost

The frustrations of the righteous
Made worse by the sociopathic nature of the wicked
One's ability to care made into a weapon
That cuts deeper than any knife
Held in the madman's hands

Agents of entropy accelerated
Cannot lose
Not when their only purpose
Is to sow seeds of doubt

To the victor go the spoils
A rotted world
Wherein the innocent try to live
Among the ruins left in the wake
Of the never-ending battle

The heroes rise up and fight
For those that do not possess
The hope necessary to battle inevitability
There will always be a need for heroes

This need comes at a terrible cost
A bill to be paid by neither hero nor villain

A bill to be paid
In loss of self

Heroes are lifted up
Blocking from our eyes
The truth
We could be those heroes if we had the courage to hope

In a World of Touch Screens and Texting I Still Write

In a World of Touch Screens and Texting I Still Write

I know the sense
Behind back ups
And back ups
For the back ups

I've experienced the convenience
Of touch screen technology
At my fingertips

In spite of this
My words flow; they do not drag
From mind to pen
Pen to paper

The List Grows Longer

The List Grows Longer

One more
One more switch of the light
One more raising of the pen
One more page to fill
One more thought that slaughters the sheep
One more waking nightmare
One more reason to write
One more thing I can't say
One more confession made in penance
For everything on my list