Thursday, September 20, 2018

Like Talking to a Brick Wall

Like Talking to a Brick Wall

You tell the kids to sit down and shut up.
But when was the last time you encouraged them to stand up and speak up?

You tell the kids you know the answer and they don't.
But when was the last time you admitted to not knowing; opening your mind to learning?

You tell the kids their problems are small and will pass.
But when was the last time you lived in the present; open to new perspectives?

You tell the kids you know best, because you've been there before.
But when was the last time you learned without failure?

You tell the kids it's not enough.
But when was the last time that it was?

You tell the kids they don't know how easy they have it.
But when was the last time you knew something without living it?

You tell the kids everything they need to hear to be broken, so that you can shape them in your image.
But when will it matter to you that who they could have been will now never be?

Children are children
Adults are adults

I'm not here to say we lost sight of that at some point.
I'm here to say there may be no goal more important than learning this truth.

Learning is learning
Never ending

The trials of adulthood are not the beginning of the struggle.
Nor is it the end of growth.

I've been told before,
I don't get to have an opinion on this,
Because I don't have children
And I cannot possibly comprehend the challenges of parenthood.

I tell myself the same thing
I tell my students
When faced with a voice
That aims to silence yours.

Stand up.
Speak up.
Seek the answers
And admit to it when you don't have them.
Your problems are yours.
No matter the problems of others;
They're still yours.
Do not live in relativism;
Keep your mind open and educated.
You will never be too old to learn something new.
Who you are now is enough for now
And if it isn't, then it simply means
It's time to grow;
To take your next step
And no one else's.

Live, learn, and be who you want to be.

I do not demand;
I only request
That part of who you want to be...

Be a person of balance in a world of chaos.

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