Monday, June 29, 2015

The End

The End

You hold
My dried up heart
In your hands.
So why can't you nourish it?

You hold
My shattered dreams
In your hands.
So why can't you piece them back together?

You hold
My deteriorated mind
In your hands.
So why can't you get it thinking again?

You hold
My depleted soul
In your hands.
So why can't you fill it?

Why can't you save me?
Because it's simply too late.
I waited too long
To ask for help.

So I take my pride
My fear
With me

I take my space
My distance
With me

Being alone is not
What cost me
No, I like alone time
With this once good friend of mine

It's just that
I wasn't a good friend to myself
And haven't been
For some time

I should've asked
For help
So very long ago,
But now I ask this

Take my heart, my dreams
And my mind and my soul
Keep it close
Keep it always

So that in the end
I might at least be
A fading memory...

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