Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Princess Born of Two Moons and No Seasons

The Princess Born of Two Moons and No Seasons

There are four seasons to the year
The beginning in its new life, Spring
The sun in its high sky, Summer
The moon, crooked in its harvest crest, Autumn
The light, gone cold as all other things, Winter

There are those gifted with elemental control
So chosen by powers unknown
The nature of their element decided upon
When they were born

There is only one day a year
This day does not belong
To any one of the seasons
This day has a night as bright
With two moons replacing one sun at day's end

Those born to this day
Have a potential for an absence of power
But an immunity to the four seasons when generated from mortal hands
A power granted for being born
Outside the seasons

Legend states it as thus so long as the moons
Both glow without the union
Of the ends of light's spectrum
However, if one moon should glow diamond
The other glow onyx

A child born of those two moons
Outside the four seasons
Such a child will be one with the power
Over all four seasons
A power, not of generation, but of control

From the spirit of this child
No power will flow
But from within the strength
Of their spirit
They will control the presence of the four

This power to control
When held in the hands of purity
Can be the key to humanity's
One true goal:
The happiness found only in peace

Such a power found in purity
A purity nurtured by love
A love provided both from within and without
This is purity
Not perfection

It is not asked of the child of two moons
To be perfectly pure
Without the slightest blemish to their soul
It is asked that the child be one who loves
With a pure, unconditional heart

This child will save the world
With their heart


  1. I'm looking forward to what comes next! This is a beginning, right? An enticing start.

    1. Yes, this is the premise for Kingdom Brevain, a writing project that recently came back to the forefront of my brain.

  2. Thank you, Ben's brain! This should be fun!!
